Leilão 6 Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
9.9.09 (na sua hora local)
 8 Ramban St, Jerusalem.
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LOTE 19:

Shabbos Shuva Sermon in Przemysl

Vendido por: $100
Preço inicial:
$ 100
Comissão da leiloeira: 23%
IVA: 17% Sobre a comissão apenas

Shabbos Shuva Sermon in Przemysl
Broadside inviting the public to Shabbos Shuva sermon in Przemysl, containing list of sources the sermon would be based on. Also blessing for a sweet new year, from Rabbi Gedalya Shmelkis. 29th of Elul 1909.
Rabbi Gedalya Shmelkis (1859-1928) was a brother and a close disciple of Rabbi Yitzchak Shmelkis, author of Beit Yitzchak (who served as rabbi of Przemysl and Lvov). Served since 1853 as rabbi in Przemysl. His novellae were published in the book Imrei Regesh (Regesh stands for Rabbi Gedalya Shmelkish).
One leaf, 23.5 cm. Fair condition, restored tears and damage.