Asta 21 Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
22.3.12 (Il tuo orario)
 8 Ramban St, Jerusalem.
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LOTTO 382:

Four Postcards - Jewish Organizations in Vilnius and in Odessa - Ussishkin / Druyanov

Prezzo iniziale:
$ 180
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 23%
IVA: 17% Solo su commissione

Four Postcards - Jewish Organizations in Vilnius and in Odessa - Ussishkin / Druyanov
*Printed postcard issued by "committee of the society to support Jewish farmers and craftsmen in Syria and in Eretz Israel, Odessa" ["The Odessa Committee"]. Written in 1914. A letter from Menachem Ussishkin is printed on the postcard, hand signed by Ussishkin. *Printed postcard of "committee of the society to support Jewish farmers and craftsmen in Syria and in the Holy Land, Odessa". Written in 1902 by the committee's secretary, the writer Alter Druyanov and hand-signed by him. * Printed postcard of the "central committee of the Zionist Organization in Lithuania, Vilnius" written in 1921. * Postcard with an ink-stamp of "the Central Eretz Israel office, Vilnius", written in 1921. Lot of 4 postcards, good condition.