Leilão 27 Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
6.11.12 (na sua hora local)
 8 Ramban St, Jerusalem.
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LOTE 459:

Collection of Letters by Rabbis and Roshei Yeshivot – Eretz Yisrael

Vendido por: $510
Preço inicial:
$ 300
Comissão da leiloeira: 23%
IVA: 17% Sobre a comissão apenas

Collection of Letters by Rabbis and Roshei Yeshivot – Eretz Yisrael
Large collection of letters by rabbis and Roshei Yeshivot of Eretz Yisrael. [C. 1950-1980].
Letters by rabbis: * Rabbi Shalom Shwadron. * Rabbi Ephraim Zev Garbuz. * Rabbi Shlomo Teneh. * Rabbi Zev Vilensky. * Rabbi Gronem Landau. * Rabbi Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg. * Rabbi Shraga Grossbard. * Rabbi Moshe Shmuel Shapira and Rabbi Shlomo Wolbe. * Many other letters.
* Interesting letter by Chief Rabbi Yitzchak Eizik HaLevi Herzog. * Three letters of rabbinical ordination on one leaf, by Rabbi Nissim Azran, Rabbi Mordechai Eliyahu and Rabbi Ovadia Yosef.
Approx. 35 letters, various sizes and conditions.