Leilão 27 Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical Letters
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LOTE 438:

Letter from the rabbis of the Lvov congregation and Rabbi Yitzchak Shmelkish – original lithograph

Vendido por: $220
Preço inicial:
$ 180
Comissão da leiloeira: 23%
IVA: 17% Sobre a comissão apenas

Letter from the rabbis of the Lvov congregation and Rabbi Yitzchak Shmelkish – original lithograph
A letter from the rabbis of the Lvov congregation concerning the matter of preventing students in governmental schools from writing on the holy day of Shabbat. Lvov, (1903).
Original document in which the letters and signatures were printed in a lithographic print. It was sent to the rabbis of Galicia. The signatures of the following rabbis appear: Rabbi Yitzchak Shmelkish Av Bein Din of the holy congregation, Rabbi Alexander Shmuel Hailprin, Rabbi Aryeh Leib Brodeh Rosh Av Beit Din, Rabbi Meir Monk, as well as an additional unidentified signature. [See attached material for the biography of the four rabbis signed].
2 attached leaves, 30 cm., dry paper, fair condition, tears restored with scotch-tape.