Leilão 31 Jewish and Israeli History and Culture
21.5.13 (na sua hora local)
 8 Ramban St, Jerusalem.
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LOTE 168:

One Hundred Newspapers Issues – War of Independence

Vendido por: $400
Preço inicial:
$ 400
Comissão da leiloeira: 23%
IVA: 17% Sobre a comissão apenas

One Hundred Newspapers Issues – War of Independence
Approximately one hundred newspapers issues, 1948-1949.
Issues of "HaYoman", "HaYom", "HaMagen", "Chadshot HaTzohorayim" (published by "Moetzet Poaley Yerushalyaim"), "HaBoker", "HaCherut", "BaMachane", "HaTZofeh", "Kol HaLochem", "Yediot Achronot", "Ydiot Yerushalayim", "HaAretz" and "Maariv" of those years.
Issues include updated reports about the battles in the country, news of days prior to the Declaration of Independence and the days following it. Amongst them: issue of "Yediot Achronot" of May 12 1948: "Mandate will expire at midnight on Saturday"; issue of "Yediot Yerushalayim" of May 14 1948: " The Jewish State will be declared at noon", and more. Attached is a ring binder with more than 90 documents, paper cuttings and announcements of the War of Independence period. Lot of about 200 items. Sizes and conditions vary.