Auction 33 Books, Manuscripts and Rabbinical
28.8.13 (Ora locală)
 8 Ramban St, Jerusalem.
Licitația a luat sfârșit

LOT 370:

Manuscript by Rabbi Shach – "Avi Ezri" Novellae on Hilchot Edut

Preț de început:
$ 1,000
Comision casă de licitații: 23%
VAT: Doar pentru comision

Avi Ezri novellae on the Rambam Hilchot Edut, in the handwriting of the author, Rabbi Elazar Menachem Mann Shach.
At the top of each page is the title Hilchot Edut. Contains a full discussion on the topic of Hilchot Edut of the Rambam's Mishne Torah Chapter 2, Halacha 2. The novellae were printed in his book Avi Ezri, first edition (Bnei Brak, 1956. In the new edition Part 4 pp. 316-319).
Rabbi Elazar Menachem-Mann Shach (1898-2002), was born in Lithuania and studied in his youth in Ponovitch, Slobodka and Slutzk yeshivas. Taught in the Klezk Yeshiva in Poland and was head of the Karlin Yeshiva in Luninyets. During the Holocaust years, he ascended to Eretz Israel and taught in the Klezk Yeshiva in Rehovot. Later, was appointed teacher and head of Ponovitch Yeshiva in Bnei Brak. Member and head of Moetzet Gedolei HaTorah, Rabbi Shach led the Torah world for decades.
[3] leaves, written on one side, approximately 36 lines on each page.
33 cm. Few stains and wear.