Leilão 38 Jewish and Israeli History and Culture, Israeli and International Art
14.5.14 (A sua hora local)
 8 Ramban St, Jerusalem.
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LOTE 36:

Items related to Drafting Yeshiva Students to IDF – War of Independence

Vendido por: $2,000
Preço inicial:
$ 1,000
Comissão da leiloeira: 23%
IVA: Sobre a comissão apenas

1. Printed circular letter from Yisrael Galili, Chief of Staff of the Haganah. Titles: ”Matkal, March 9,1948”. Addressed to all of the infantry and Palmach divisions: Golani, Carmeli, Alexandroni, Kiryati, Givati, Etzioni and “Bulgarim” (name of Palmach).
The letter states: ”a decision has been made that Yeshiva students, according to approved lists, are exempt from military service. Students who are capable will get self-defense training where they study, by order of the Knesset [Knesset – nickname of “Haganah” organization]…training of Yeshiva students has to be arranged in a way that will not interfere with the study regime in the Yeshivot. Therefore, it has to be discussed with the heads of the Yeshivot how free time can be arranged for training…this instruction means that all Yeshiva students will be
2. Letter handwritten by Rabbi Avraham Ya’akov Klein (Agudat Israel rabbi in Haifa), addressed to Rabbi Amram Blau. Haifa, [October/November 1947]. Using sharp words Rabbi Klein protests against not receiving information concerning the rabbis’ decisions about drafting Yeshiva students. Rabbi Klein complains that there is no cooperation: “the opponents are united while we are going each one his way…”. [1] leaf written on both sides, 24 cm. Fair condition. Tears, creases and spots.
3. Printed circular letter from Religion Service Headquarters, September 29, 1948. Addressed to the Minister of Defense, Chief of Staff, branches, frontiers, divisions, forces and Po'aley Agudat Israel. The circular wishes "Ketiva VeHatima Tovah! A Year of Victory, Peace and Construction, Prosperity for the State of Israel, Return of the Exiles and Strengthening the Status of Torah in our Land". 21X16 cm. Good condition. Torn filing holes. Minor spots.
4-6. "Curfew Pass" – pass for curfew hours of Yisrael Berchenko [Galili], issued in February 1939 + two photos of Galili (press photos). part of the non-drafted “Guarding Forces”.
The order in the document presented here is the first official confirmation of its kind that Yeshiva students are exempt from military service; this order, was followed later by the “Torato Omanuto” (Torah study is his artistry) arrangement, that allows Yeshiva students to complete their studies before their conscription in the IDF. In the report of “the committee for consolidating an appropriate arrangement regarding drafting Yeshiva students” (headed by judge Tal) this order is mentioned.: “the formal first stage of this arrangement stems from the order issued by Yisrael Galili…”
Leaf 22X11 cm. Lower part of leaf – missing. Fair condition. Tears to left margins (with omission of one word), dark spots.
7. Supplement to "Alonim" paper of "Ezra" movement, youth movement of Po'aley Agudat Israel, with an article titled "do not give up military service of Yeshiva students" (by "Peretz Tura"). The editors did not publish the article in 'Digleinu' suspecting that it will cause damage and it was sent as a supplement only to individuals and, in secret".