Leilão 43 Objects: Judaica & Israeliana
 8 Ramban St, Jerusalem.
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LOTE 29:

Ilan Sephirot - Amulet

Vendido por: $750
Preço inicial:
$ 300
Comissão da leiloeira: 23%
IVA: 17% Sobre a comissão apenas

Ilan Sephirot - Amulet
Ilan Sephirot, [Israel].
Parchment, ink.
A long and narrow amulet with Kabbalistic combinations and illustrations, amongst others an “Ilan Sephirot” and a Menorah. Inscribed on lower part: “this Ilan…for success…against epidemic…and should carry it on him at all times…” (Hebrew).
80.5X4.5 cm, good condition. Framed.
Objects – Judaica & Israeliana