Auction 49 Part II - Books, Chassidism, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters
19.1.16 (Ora locală)
 8 Ramban St, Jerusalem.
Licitația a luat sfârșit

LOT 2:

Babylonian Talmud – Amsterdam, 1644-1648

Vandut pentru: $2,600
Preț de început:
$ 1,000
Comision casă de licitații: 23%
VAT: Doar pentru comision

Babylonian Talmud, with commentaries. Amsterdam edition, 1644-1648, printed by Emanuel Benveniste. A complete set with the exception of Tractate Gittin. Some volumes contain several tractates, as follows: · Berachot with Seder Zera'im. · Shabbat, Eruvin (missing two leaves). (Signature on title page of "Moshe bar Menachem Galicho"). · Pesachim, Beitza, Chagiga, Moed Katan. · Yoma, Rosh Hashanah, Succah, Ta'anit, Megillah. · Yevamot. · Ketubot. · Nazir, Sotah. · Kiddushin (glosses in Italian writing). · Avodah Zara, Shekalim (Yerushalmi). · Bava Kama (signature of "Moshe Galico" and several glosses). · Bava Metzi'a. · Bava Batra (missing two leaves). · Sanhedrin. · Makot, Shevuot, Nedarim. · Zevachim. · Menachot, Bechorot. · Chulin. · Arachin, Me'ila, Kinin, Midot, Kritot, Temura. · Nidah, Eduyot, Horayot, Masechtot Ketanot. · Mishnayot Seder Taharot. · Enclosed is another copy of Tractate Berachot (without Seder Zera'im). For further information about the edition of the Talmud, see: R' N.N. Rabinowitz, article on the printing of the Talmud, Jerusalem 1952, pp. 93-96. 21 volumes. Varying condition among the volumes. Stains and wear, worming, detached leaves, tears. From the library of Prof. Moshe David Cassuto.