拍卖会 10
28.5.19 (您本地的时间)
 השכל 15/1 תל אביב יפו

拍卖品 45:

Oded Feingersh
Dizengoff Square

$ 400
$700 - $1,000
拍卖行佣金: 18%
增值税: 仅对佣金收取

Dizengoff Square
Dizengoff Square
Oil on canvas
60/50 centimeter
And framed
Oded Feingersh is considered one of the most important contemporary painters living in our country.
Born in 1938 in Jerusalem, graduated from Bezalel Academy in 1963, studied in Paris, Brussels and Madrid.
His paintings are full of color and express exceptional sensitivity and imagination. They can be seen in the landscapes of the Land of Israel alongside drawings that give a sense of distinction. Sometimes painting is local and sometimes it takes the observer to a journey to distant places, sometimes familiar.
It is always fascinating for the viewer to look at his works and to discover in them each time something new, a path, stillness, layers of color and their interaction.
Feingersh is a graduate of the Avshalom Institute for the Study of the Land of Israel. He has written 15 books on the subject of knowledge of the country, history, poetry and novels.
Won many awards including the Dizengoff Prize in 1976.
 Member of the Israel Painters and Sculptors Association.
He has exhibited in over 120 solo and group exhibitions in important galleries and museums in Israel
 (Including a solo exhibition at the Tel Aviv Museum of Art, Ramat Gan, Herzliya) and the world.
He has been painting for decades and designed, among other things, ballet and theater sets and serves as an art curator for hotels and public buildings.
His works are in collections of important museums such as the Israel Museum, Tel Aviv, Haifa, the Jewish Museum in Brussels, the Museum of New Art in Lvov, the Foreign Ministry, the collections of most of the banks in Israel,
