拍卖会 2 Eretz Israel, settlement, anti-Semitism, Holocaust and She'erit Ha-Pleita, postcards and photographs, letters by rabbis and rebbes, Judaica, and more
1 Abraham Ferrera, Jerusalem, 以色列
The auction will take place on Tuesday, june 30, 2019 at 18:00 (Israel time).

拍卖品 41:

Six anti-Semitic postcards mocking the Jewish "businessman." Early 20th century

售出价为: $110
$ 80
拍卖行佣金: 22% 更多详细信息
增值税: 17% 仅对佣金收取
30.7.19于 DYNASTY

Six anti-Semitic postcards mocking the Jewish "businessman." Early 20th century

Six anti-Semitic postcards with scenes mocking the Jewish businessman and greedy Jew. Most of them are American Anti-Semitism. various Publishers and printing dates, early 20th century.

A postcard showing a Jewish merchant, on the sign of his shop, with the inscription 'Cohen' and 'pawbroker'. The Jew with a long nose and a distorted body stands in front of a counter with a local client on the other side (the economic exploitation of non-Jews by the Jews is a recurring motif in American anti-Semitic postcards). The Jew holds a clock in his hand, and the caption: 'Just to pass the time away', by Offered a low price for pledging the clock, the Jew is only wasting his time (sent by mail in 1908); A postcard showing an ugly Jew with large hands, wide legs disproportionate to the rest of the body, and of course a large nose, and the inscription SUCH A BUSINESS, which appeared in many antisemitic postcards that characterizes the obsessive Jew for money and commerce. E.B. & E. published, America, early 20th century [undivided]; A postcard showing a Jewish peddler with a distorted shape and a long nose burrowing through the garbage with a sack on his back and the caption: 'My business is picking up',  E.B. & Ee publish; A Jewish banker is holding gold coins in his hand and the inscription: 'Such a besiness', and more.

3 mailed. 2 undivided back. general condition: very fine.
