拍卖会 2 Eretz Israel, settlement, anti-Semitism, Holocaust and She'erit Ha-Pleita, postcards and photographs, letters by rabbis and rebbes, Judaica, and more
1 Abraham Ferrera, Jerusalem, 以色列
The auction will take place on Tuesday, june 30, 2019 at 18:00 (Israel time).

拍卖品 59:

Buchenwald Concentration Camp, Weimar 1945 - An early publication of the atrocities of Buchenwald was published on ...

售出价为: $110
$ 100
拍卖行佣金: 22% 更多详细信息
增值税: 17% 仅对佣金收取
30.7.19于 DYNASTY

Buchenwald Concentration Camp, Weimar 1945 - An early publication of the atrocities of Buchenwald was published on German soil

KLBu KONZENTRATIONSLAGER BUCHENWALD - Buchenwald Concentration Camp by Ernst Busse, Published by Thuringer Volksverlag. Weimar 1945, German.

Testimonies describing the horrors of the Buchenwald death camp, numerical data, and diagrams.. An early publication published on German soil shortly after the liberation of the camp by the Allies.

Buchenwald was one of the largest concentration camps in Nazi Germany, to which some 138 subcamps were affiliated. The Buchenwald camp operated from its establishment in July 1937 until its liberation by the United States Army on April 11, 1945. During that period some 250,000 people passed through. It is estimated that about 65,000 people were murdered in Buchenwald, including the prisoners who were murdered on death marches with the announcement of the Allied forces approaching, shortly before the liberation of the camp. 

Rare publication, does not appear in the National Library. 

174 p. Softcover. fine condition.