Leilão 65 Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art
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Manuscript, Tiklal Siddur with Commentaries - Yemen, 1648

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Manuscript, Tiklal Siddur with Commentaries - Yemen, 1648
Manuscript, Tiklal siddur - prayers and piyyutim for the year-round and festivals, with commentaries and laws. [Yemen, ca. 1648]. Hebrew, Aramaic, and Judeo-Arabic. Large format volume. Yemenite script, partially vocalized (supralinear vocalization, and in several passages, sublinear). In the margins and "windows" in the text, many additions were inserted, consisting of commentaries and midrashim, laws and reasons, according to Halacha and Kabbalah. Some of the commentaries are not known from other sources, and some are selected from printed and manuscript books. The commentaries include Torah thoughts in the name of Yemenite Torah scholars of the 16th/17th century (R. Yochanan Mizrachi, R. David Hamdi and others). The manuscript includes: prayers for weekdays (lacking the beginning) and Shabbat - including Pirkei Avot; piyyutim for Saturday night; prayers for Rosh Chodesh and the festivals: Pesach - including the Passover Haggadah ("Seder HaAsia BeLeilei HaPesach") with Judeo-Arabic and Hebrew commentaries; Shavuot - including the Azharot piyyutim by R. Shlomo ibn Gabirol (not generally found in Yemenite siddurim of the 17th century, see M. Gavra's article in "Mechkarim B'Siddurei Teiman", pp. 295-296); prayers and lamentations for Tisha B'Av - including Megillat Eicha with the Arabic Tafsir; Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur - including "Sod HaTekiot" (with symbols for the various types of Shofar blasts); Sukkot and Simchat Torah - including "Seder Lulav V'Etrog V'Arava" and Hoshanot; Chanukah - including "Megillat Bnei Chashmonai" in Aramaic with the Tafsir by R. Saadia Gaon in Judeo-Arabic; Purim - including many piyyutim and Megillat Esther; service for funerals; "Seder Selichot L'Leilei Ashmurot" - including the Kel Melech piyyutim and Maranot piyyutim (piyyutim beginning with the word "Maran"); "Seder Avoda"; the texts of various blessings - including Birkat HaMazon; calendar of Moladot and Tekufot for the years 1648-1712; texts of marriage and other contracts; "Tochachot UBakashot" - various piyyutim. Another manuscript (from a slightly later period) is bound at the end of this manuscript, containing the Keter Malchut piyyutim by R. Shlomo ibn Gabirol and Selichot by R. Saadia Gaon. [229] leaves. Approx. 28.5 cm. Fair condition. Extensive wear and stains. Tears. Open tears to margins and center of many leaves. Leaves professionally restored with paper. New cloth binding.