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拍卖品 64:

Letter written by Dr. Simcha Petruschka.

售出价为: $120
$ 10
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Letter written by Dr. Simcha Petruschka.
Was sent to Rav Yisrael Porat of Cleveland, Ohio.
Official document paper, [1] D. [2] p.
Montreal, 1948.
Dr. Simcha Petruschka (Simcha Bunim Pietroschka, 1893-1950) is a writer, encyclopedist, journalist, publicist and translator. It was known in the translation and interpretation of Heidi that he wrote to the Mishnah.
He was born in Praga, near Warsaw. He received a traditional education in a room and yeshivas, known as "the lift from Praga". Among other things, he studied at the Radzimin Yeshiva with Rabbi Pinchas Menachem Singer and was a classmate of his son, the writer Israel Yehoshua Singer. At the age of 16 he began to acquire general education and to study languages ​​and sciences. In 1917 he went to study at the Poznanski Rabbinical Seminary in Warsaw. For a while he was a librarian at the Institute of the Great Synagogue in Warsaw and the University of Warsaw. In 1925 he immigrated to Eretz Israel and lived there for about a year. From there he traveled to the United States for a short time and returned to Poland. He lived in Poland until the outbreak of World War II in 1939. In Warsaw, he wrote in various newspapers, including "Nyes" and the Joint. He also wrote for Yiddish newspapers in London and New York. Wrote books on Jewish history and a book on the Land of Israel. He translated works known to Yiddish, such as "Rabbi Yozelman" by Meir Lehman (German). From 1932, the encyclopedia, "Yidishe Paleks-Anziklapade" (Encyclopedia of Jewish People), began to be published. The Encyclopedia was published in four volumes in Warsaw. In 1949, the encyclopedia was published in Montreal in two volumes.
Since then he has lived in New York and especially in Montreal. In 1945 he received a doctorate from the Rabbinical Seminary of America.
Condition ; Very Good, folding marks, slight stains, slightly cut at the edge at the bottom without missing.
