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拍卖品 89:

'Big Warning' A poster issued by the Badatz HaEidah HaCharedit, against Independence Day.

$ 10
拍卖行佣金: 20% 更多详细信息
增值税: 17% 仅对佣金收取
27.11.18于 TZolman's auction

'Big Warning' A poster issued by the Badatz HaEidah HaCharedit, against Independence Day.
"As the Sabbath passed, the government declared the fifth day of Iyar ... the day of their feast, which was in their hearts for the day of their independence." "Therefore, we warn of the power of the Torah that God forbid, we will not change the order of prayers today in anything, "And on this day we must repent." "On the Exile of the Shekhina in the city and in the Holy Land, where the thieves came and desecrated it."
Signed (in print) by Rabbi David Halevi Jungreiz, Rabbi Yitzchak Ya'akov Weiss, Rabbi Moshe Aryeh Freund, Rabbi Israel Moshe Dushinsky, and Rabbi Eliyahu Zlatnik.
Horev Printing Press. 5730.
Size: 50 * 70 cm.
Condition; Generally Good , folding marks, slightly wrinkled, cuts to edges without missing.