拍卖会 8 Rare books, privileged copies, chasiddut, rare letters, manuscripts, Chabad, bills, coins, medals, and more.
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拍卖品 73:

Poster Etz"el Rebellion in the British Leadership - 1939, rare!

$ 60
拍卖行佣金: 20% 更多详细信息
增值税: 17% 仅对佣金收取
27.11.18于 TZolman's auction

Poster Etz"el Rebellion in the British Leadership - 1939, rare!
"To the Hebrew workers and the Jewish youth in the Land of Israel" .. "The agent leadership Saul sinned" .. "This leadership put you into the Arab ball and the evil decree of the British" .. "One war now for all of us" .. "Blood and fire rebellion" .. To the ranks of the warriors, the war for the liberation of the nation "We have a brotherly hand extended to you. Accept it, and we will go out together to fight the war of the nation." "In blood and fire we will destroy the enemy's decrees and liberate the homeland!"
Very rare!
Tel Aviv, on the eve of Pentecost.
[1] Typewritten.
Size: 21 * 33.5 cm.
Condition; Very Good, yellowing paper, text fragments.