拍卖会 111 Rare Books, Manuscripts, Letters of Rabbis and Rebbes
11.12.18 (您本地的时间)
 3 Shatner Center 1st Floor Givat Shaul Jerusalem

拍卖品 161:

Excerpts from Rabbeinu Shmuel's Work, Issur V'Heter. 15th Century

$ 1,000
$2,000 - $3,000
拍卖行佣金: 22%
增值税: 仅对佣金收取

Halachic decisions from Issur V'Heter by Rabbeinu Shmuel. Manuscript, Meshita Proventzyonaly. [Egypt, 15th century.]

The manuscript contains short adjudications in the laws of Yoreh Deah. The adjudications are remnants of an early, unknown work; in the manner of adjudicative works, there are no sources and no names of previous sages.

In Rabbi Aharon HaCohen of Lonil's Orchot Chaim, which was composed c. 1295 [siman 45], it is written, 'and Rabbi Shmuel ztz"l wrote, and it is the custom of the early pious ones, to permit a vegetable dish ...' and here, this entire halachah appears in the pages before us, with exactly the same wording. Ben Yaakov's Otzar HaSefarim mentions the book Issur V'Heter L'Rabbeinu Shmuel B'Chamishim She'arim, however this work is unknown today [material on the topic is included with this lot].

This manuscript was found in a volume of manuscript dealing with financial law, written in Egypt in 1451. These three leaves were caught in the volume, but they are totally unrelated to it. However, the handwriting is precisely identical to that before us, apparently the copyist was dealing with writing both compositions at the same time, and when he delivered them for binding, these leaves were inserted in the wrong place, into this book.

3 leaves written on both sides of the leaf. 16x20.5 cm. 24 lines per page.

Fine condition. Minimal aging stains.
