拍卖会 111 Rare Books, Manuscripts, Letters of Rabbis and Rebbes
11.12.18 (您本地的时间)
 3 Shatner Center 1st Floor Givat Shaul Jerusalem

拍卖品 150:

Collection of Handwritten Responsa by the Sages of Turkey and the Land of Israel in the Early 17th Century. With ...

售出价为: $24,000
$ 15,000
$50,000 - $80,000
拍卖行佣金: 22%
增值税: 仅对佣金收取

Collection of Handwritten Responsa by the Sages of Turkey and the Land of Israel in the Early 17th Century. With Comments and Novellae in the Chid"a's Hand? Important Autographs

Sefer Psakim Nechmadim. Complete volume of 164 leaves in manuscript which contain responsa of rabbinical leaders of Salonika, Constantinople, Egypt, Jerusalem, Safed and more, from the 17th century. Some are written in the holy hand of the respondent rabbis themselves, or have their signatures. Contains responsa which have never been printed.

There are approximately 40 responsa in the manuscript, some 20 of which are signed. The identity of the writers of the unsigned responsa - including autographs - was not researched nor thoroughly investigated. An in-depth investigation will almost certainly reveal the identities of prominent rabbis. In the last section of the book, there is a lengthy and comprehensive compilation on the laws of engagement gifts by an unidentified sage, clearly an outstanding Torah scholar.

Following is a list of rabbis whose responsa are found among those in the manuscript. Refer to the Hebrew Catalog text for a short biography of each.

Rabbi Chaim Yosef David Azoulay

Rabbi Avraham ben Chananiah

Rabbi Simchah HaCohen

Rabbi Yitzchak di Buton

Rabbi Baruch Barzilai

Rabbi Avraham Mutal

Rabbi Mordechai Kal'i

Rabbi Avraham Monson

Rabbi Yosef Gozlan

Rabbi Avraham Amigo

164 leaves. Ink on paper. 21x14 cm. At the beginning of the manuscript, there is a title page which was done at a later time, as well as an index of the responsa in the book. The beginning of the index is on the title page, and the continuation is on leaf 2. Moderate condition. Some of the leaves have worming holes, dampstains and minimal ink smudges. The writing in all of the responsa is legible. Simple binding.
