Аукцион 20 Books, Kodesh books, Hassidic books, Rabbinical letters, Manuscripts, Judaika objects and more
5.9.18 (локальном времени Вашего часового пояса)
 King George 43, Jerusalem
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ЛОТ 009:

Set of Mishnayot whose printing began in Slavita and ended in Zhitomir. An historic, holy, and rare item.

Продан за: $2,200
Стартовая цена:
$ 500
Комиссия аукционного дома: 20%
НДС: Только на комиссию

Complete set, six volumes of the six sidrei Mishnah. Printed while the most famous printing press in the Jewish-Chassidic world was moving from place to place. Bound up with the tragic story of the Slavita printing house. The first part (Zra’im) was printed in Slavita in 1836, the same year in which the blood libel was levied against the Slavita brothers, and the authorities closed down their printing house. The second section (Mo’ed) was printed in 1846, and the cover page uses the same exact formula as the first section, including the word Slavita in red ink in the center of the page, though with two changes: (1) above the word Slavita appears in small print: “printed in Jozepof using the printer previously located at Slavita, and (2) the second cover with the names of the printers: while the first section was printed by Rabbi Shmuel Avraham (grandson of Rabbi Pinchas of Koritz, who later served as Admor himself), the second was printed by his sons Rabbi Chanina Lifa and Rabbi Aryeh Leib and Rabbi Yehoshua Heshel, since their father was arrested and imprisoned following the blood libel and remained in prison until 1856. The additional sections (Nashim, Nezikin, Kedoshim, and Taharot) use the same formula as the first sections, and were printed from 1847-1848, after the printing house moved again to the town of Zhitomir. When it became clear to the brothers that they would be remaining in Zhitomir and would not be able to return to Slavita, they changed the main word of the cover page, writing Zhitomir instead of Slavita. | Books printed by the Slavita and Zhitomir printing houses are known to be especially holy: the printing tools were dipped in a mikvah before beginning work. It is a famous segula that owning one of the books preserves the home from danger and affords the owner success. | Different conditions, generally ok to good condition.