Asta 20 Books, Kodesh books, Hassidic books, Rabbinical letters, Manuscripts, Judaika objects and more
Da Moreshet
King George 43, Jerusalem, Israele
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LOTTO 004:

Mishnayot Seder Taharot with commentaries, Slavita. 1830.

Venduto per: $450
Prezzo iniziale:
$ 120
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 20%
IVA: 17% Solo su commissione
5.9.18 in Moreshet

Mishnayot Seder Taharot with commentaries, Slavita. 1830.
With commentary of Rabbeinu Ovadia of Bartenura, Tosafot Yom Tov and new Tosafot, Pri Chadash, with chapter headings from all of Shas. Printed by Rabbi Moshe Shapira of Slavita. 224 pages. On the cover page is a handwritten dedication “to the holy city of Jerusalem.” Original leather binding with gilded decorations, cover in red and black ink, some of the pages are blue, the page cuttings are in red, wide margins. A number of pages have moth damage in the margins without damage to the text. Good condition.