Subasta 62 Judaica - Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinical Letters, Ceremonial Art
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Unpublished Manuscript – Talmudic and Halachic Novellae by Rabbi Zecharia Mendel of Lissa, Colleague of Rabbi Akiva ...

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Unpublished Manuscript – Talmudic and Halachic Novellae by Rabbi Zecharia Mendel of Lissa, Colleague of Rabbi Akiva Eiger – With Novellae and Torah Thoughts from His Father Rabbi David Tevele of Lissa, R. Akiva Eiger, the Chatam Sofer, Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berdychiv and Many Other Scholars of their Generation – Leslau, 1810
Manuscript, novellae on Talmudic topics and various halachic subjects, by R. Zecharia Mendel of Lissa (Leszno), with many Torah thoughts from leading Torah scholars. Leslau (today: Włocławek, Poland), 1810.
The manuscript contains dozens of novellae, scholarly analyses, difficulties and Torah thoughts, in the names of prominent Torah scholars, including: R. Yehonatan Eybeschutz, R. Akiva Eiger, the Chatam Sofer, R. Levi Yitzchak of Berdychiv, R. David Tevele of Lissa, R. Yom Tov Lipman Heilprin the Kedushat Yom Tov, R. Tzvi Hirsh Levin Rabbi of Berlin, and more.
At the top of the first page: "With the help of G-d, Leslau, Erev Rosh Chodesh Shevat 1810". Most of the novellae are presumably by R. Zecharia Mendel of Lissa, colleague and friend of R. Akiva Eiger, one of the rabbis of Lissa and subsequently rabbi of Leslau [see below]. Written in an orderly copying, apparently by his son, within the year following his passing. The writer added references, notes and glosses of his own.
A letter containing Torah novellae from R. Akiva Eiger was copied, word for word, on p. 13b, which he concluded with: "…may G-d grant him being inscribed and signed for a good year and merit him to delve in serenity in Torah and Halacha for the sake of Heaven, so is the entreaty of his loving friend Akiva". The copyist adds afterwards: "I found this amongst my father's writings in the aforementioned scholar's handwriting". To the best of our knowledge, this responsum is hitherto unpublished. Further Torah thoughts from R. Akiva Eiger appear in another place (p. 6b: "I heard from… in the name of the great scholar Rabbi of Poznań").
Torah thoughts in the name of R. Levi Yitzchak of Berdychiv appear on p. 14a: "I heard in the name of the rabbi of Żelechów who is now the rabbi of Pinsk…" (R. Levi Yitzchak left Żelechów due to the Mitnagdim's harassments, and went to serve as rabbi of Pinsk in 1776. In 1785 he moved from Pinsk to Berdychiv). As far as our research has shown, these thoughts have never been published (they do not appear in Chiddushei Kedushat Levi, Bnei Brak 1988, which contains a compilation of his novellae and halachic decisions).
Teachings by R. David Tevele Katzenellenbogen Rabbi of Lissa and father of R. Zecharia Mendel, appear twice (p. 2b: "I heard this from one of my acquaintances in the name of the famous Gaon, and I later found it in my father's writings in the name of his father"; p. 9a: "copied from my father's writings in the name of his father").
Furthermore, the manuscript contains dozens of thoughts, difficulties and novellae heard from and in the name of prominent scholars of that generation, including: R. Yehonatan Eybeschutz (p. 10b: "I heard in the name of R. Y. of Prague Rabbi of Hamburg…"), R. Yom Tov Lipman Heilprin, author of Kedushat Yom Tov (p. 1b: "I heard from the rabbi of Kapyl"), R. Meshulam Zalman HaKohen – Maharzach, author of Bigdei Kehuna (p. 8a: "and I heard from… in the name of the rabbi of Fürth who said…"), the Chatam Sofer (p. 13b: "and R. Moshe of Pressburg raised the difficulty…"), R. Tzvi Hirsh Levin Rabbi of Berlin (p. 4b: "What I heard from the Rabbi of Berlin…"), R. Yehoshua Zeitlin of Shklow (p. 8a: "I heard the following difficulty in the name of R. Yehoshua of Shklow…"), R. Meshulam Feivush HaLevi Horowitz of Kremnica (author of Mishnat Chachamim, father-in-law of R. Avraham the Malach and mechutan of the Maggid of Mezeritch. P. 12a: "R. Feivush Kremnitzer said over a difficulty in the name of a certain scholar…").
Also mentioned: R. Naftali Hertz Rabbi of Zhovkva, R. Leib of Horki (later in Vilna), "R. M. son-in-law of the rabbi of Berlin" (presumably R. Yaakov Moshe son of R. Shaul of Amsterdam), "R. Chaim Yonah" (presumably R. Chaim Yonah Teumim of Breslau), R. Meir Weil Rabbi in Berlin, "the rabbi of Sokal", "the rabbi of Piaski’ of Zamość", "the rabbi of Głogów" (presumably R. Itzikel Hamburger), R. Avraham Abele Brotchiner of Brody, "the son-in-law of R. Chaim Sandeuer (Sanzer?), who is now rabbi of Vishnik", and more.
P. 16a contains a halachic discussion beginning with the following account: "On Passover 1801… during the first night… I was informed that the post had arrived and brought the Shmura Matzot sent from Lissa to me here in Leslau, and two questions arose about eating them, one because of a doubt in Techumin (transporting out of the Shabbat boundaries)… and the second because of Hafrashat Challah…".
The last section of the manuscript is a lengthy responsum, sent to the court of Lissa. The section begins with the following account: "During Kislev 1802, two people stood before the Patrimonial Court of Lissa, and while arguing, the defendant said to the claimant 'Poshe'a Yisrael' (sinner of Israel). The claimant wanted to sue him for the embarrassment he caused him, and the defendant answered that he called him such since he is quarreling, and we were asked by the aforementioned court to clarify the term 'Poshe'a Yisrael', and whether the defendant's retort was truthful. This is our response…".
R. Zecharia Mendel Katzenellenbogen (d. 1809) was the son of R. David Tevele Katzenellenbogen Rabbi of Lissa, author of Nefesh David. He studied under his father in Lissa. His study companion for many years was R. Akiva Eiger, who settled in Lissa in his father-in-law's house after his marriage in 1780. In those years, the two came to like each other and learnt together. Responsa addressed to him appear in Teshuvot R. Akiva Eiger (Tinyana, sections 70-71). After his father R. David Tevele's passing, the Chavot Daat was appointed rabbi of Lissa, and R. Zecharia Mendel served alongside him as head of the Bet Din. In 1805, he was appointed rabbi of Leslau, where he served until his passing. Amongst his disciples in Leslau was R. Yaakov Tzvi Mecklenburg Rabbi of Königsberg and author of HaKtav VeHaKabbalah. In Tzfunot (7, pp. 38-39), two sections of novellae handwritten by R. Akiva Eiger are printed, which were preserved amongst R. Zecharia Mendel's writings. See enclosed material.
16 leaves (30 written pages, and numerous more empty leaves). 22 cm. Good condition. Stains and wear. Original binding, partially damaged.