Subasta 016 Online Auction – Jewish and Israeli History, Art and Culture
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 8 Ramban St, Jerusalem.
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LOTE 443:

Collection of Humorous Booklets and Books – Purim – 19th and 20th Centuries

Vendido por: $800
Precio inicial:
$ 150
Comisión de la casa de subasta: 25%
IVA: 17% Sólo en comisión

Collection of humorous booklets and books, primarily related to Purim. Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Calcutta and other cities, 1864-1957. Hebrew and Yiddish.
1. "Kol Bo L'Purim, contains questions and answers by drunks and other new and amazing things which gladden the heart…" [by Avraham Mendel Mohr]. [Lviv], 1864.
2. "Mishloach Manot… by R. Yekutiel son of the R. Yehuda Leib the physician from Vilna [Yekuiel Gordon]", by Aryeh Leib Schlossberg. Printed by Jacob Schlossberg, Vienna 1879.
3. "Manot Purim, containing the memory of Haman's testament to his sons and to his widow…as printed earlier in Baghdad". [Unknown publisher, Calcutta], 1889. Lacking title page, replaced with photocopy.
4. "Haggadah shel Purim…", [by Zvi Hirsh Zomerhausen]. [Printed by Shlomo Tovina, Calcutta], 1889. Lacking title page, replaced with photocopy.
5. "Masechet Shtarot…", [by Avraham Abba Rakovsky]. Published by S.B. Schwartzberg, Warsaw, 1894.
6. "A New American Haggadah…", by S. Bar-Kochva. Printed by Y. Firozshniḳoṿ, Vilna, 1900. Yiddish.
7. "HaMetapeach, anthology of Purim literature". Published by Chevra Tapchanim. Jerusalem [1923].
8. "Masechet Admonim from the Bolshevik Talmud…". By Avshalom bar Daroma. Printed by A. Ittin and S. Shoshani, Tel Aviv, 1923.
9. "Mesos kol HaAretz", by Itamar Re'em. Jerusalem, 1933.
10. "Kaftor VaFerach" by C. Shalmoni. Published by Yavneh, Tel Aviv, [1940].
11. "Exhibit of Humorous Press, which appeared in Eretz Israel before the Tishrei Chagim". Published by Mussad Hillel for "Bnei Brit", Yada-Am, Jerusalem, 1957.
Total of 11 books and booklets. Size and condition vary. Overall fair-good condition. Please note that the books were not thoroughly examined and are sold AS IS.
Provenance: Collection of Dr. Israel Mehlman.