Subasta 016 Online Auction – Jewish and Israeli History, Art and Culture
14.8.18 (Your local time)
 8 Ramban St, Jerusalem.
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LOTE 168:

Collection of Children's Books – Illustrations by Nahum Gutman, Zvi Livni, Esther Berlin-Yoel and Others – Tel-Aviv ...

Vendido por: $180
Precio inicial:
$ 100
Comisión de la casa de subasta: 25%
IVA: Sólo en comisión

Collection of Children's Books – Illustrations by Nahum Gutman, Zvi Livni, Esther Berlin-Yoel and Others – Tel-Aviv, Early-mid 20th Century
Eleven illustrated children's books, Tel-Aviv and other places. Early-mid 20th century.
Among the books: * Chidot ushe'elot by Haim Zvi Zabludowski. M.B. Mirski press, Bialystok, 1914. * Sefer Bereshit (Midrashic Aggadah) written by H.N. Bialik, illustrations by Nahum Gutman. Tel-Aviv: Dvir, 1928. * Aleph, Bet, Gimel, Sefer LaYeled, edited and illustrated by Rachel Kaspi and Zvi Malbenchik [Livni]. Tel-Aviv: Da'at, [ca. 1940s]. * Shilgiya, Avaz HaZahav, HaAsufi, David veGoliyat, HaMatanot, Asha HaMeushar, Yossi veRina. Illustrations by Elisheva Nadel. Tel-Aviv: B. Barlevi, [ca. 1950]. Publication no. 174. * BeGan HaSha'ashu'im, composed by "HaDod HaTov" – Shlomo Skolsky. Illustrated by: Miriam Nick. Tel-Aviv: El HaMa'ayan, [ca. 1950]. * More.
A detailed list will be sent upon request.
Enclosed: Study booklet "Nizane Aviv,…. For those who study according to the Aviv study book", by I.H. [Israel Haim] Polack and S. Pitalik. Boston: Tal, 1929.
Size and condition vary. Good overall condition.