拍卖会 3 Special and Rare Items
18.6.18 (您本地的时间)
 22 HaNassi HaShishi St, Jerusalem

拍卖品 47:

Letter by the Rebbe Rabbi Itzikl of Pshevorsk – Greeting for Health, Wealth and Piety

售出价为: $2,600
$ 2,000
拍卖行佣金: 20%
增值税: 仅对佣金收取

A letter of greeting handwritten and signed by the Rebbe Rabbi Itzikl Gevirtzman of Pshevorsk.
"May you be healthy … and merit raising your descendants so that they live according to the Torah and Hassidism and piety … and may you build your house in a pace of Torah and fear of God … the young Moshe Yitzchak the son of Rabbi Elimelech …"
On the reverse side of the leaf, the Rebbe added two lines in his handwriting and signed "The aforementioned"
A total of 14 lines handwritten and signed by the Rebbe.
The Rebbe Rabbi Itzikl Gevirtzman of Pshevorsk (1882-1977) was a descendant of Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk, a leading disciple and follower of the Rebbe Rabbi Yechezkel Sheraga of Szeniawa. During the Holocaust, he was exiled to Siberia. After the War, he returned to Poland and from there he moved to France and them to Antwerp, where he was well-known and thousands of Hassidim from all over Europe came to him for a blessing and advice. His son-in-law Rabbi Ya'akov Leiser replaced him as Rebbe since his only son and son-in-law Rabbi Shimon Schif of Klausenburg perished in the Holocaust.
22 cm.
Condition: Good. Tears and significant wear.
