Asta 6
Da Ometz auctions
Rav Shach 25 Beitar Ilit, Israele
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LOTTO 282:

kabbalah - Kiseh Melech, Amsterdam [1769].

Venduto per: $50
Prezzo iniziale:
$ 30
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 20%
IVA: 17% Solo su commissione
27.5.18 in Ometz auctions

kabbalah - Kiseh Melech, Amsterdam [1769].
Book Kiseh Melech. Commentary on Tikkunei Rashbi [The Zohar] by the kabbalist Eloki Rabbi Shalom Buzaglo.
Amsterdam [1769] Printed by Leib Ben Moshe Zusmensh.
Good condition, moth holes, edges of partly cut leaves with damage to text.