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Rav Shach 25 Beitar Ilit, Israele
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LOTTO 257:

Shiyarei Taharah Responsa -  First Edition - Zhovkva 1854

Prezzo iniziale:
$ 100
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 20%
IVA: 17% Solo su commissione
27.5.18 in Ometz auctions

Shiyarei Taharah Responsa -  First Edition - Zhovkva 1854
"Shiyarei Taharah" By Rabbi Shlomo Kluger .First Edition . Zhovkva 1854.
In Section C: "Tikkun Olam" - In this booklet he made several decrees about get, if it permissible to send a get by post, and also about a get by force and more. A very important book in which the author established laws which are still relied on today.