Asta 27 Parte 3 Part C: General Auction: Judaica, Kodesh Holy books, Books and papers of Eretz Israel, Asiatica, Instruments and tools, Toys, Photographs and postcards, Banknotes and coins, Israeli and international Art and more
Da The Bidder
Beit On, Mazkeret Batya, Israele

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LOTTO 1521:

Etze"l and Leh"I connfrence - 25 years to Israel - bronze medal , probably was private issued. Decorated on one ...

Prezzo iniziale:
$ 60
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 17% Altri dettagli
IVA: 17% Solo su commissione
15.5.18 in The Bidder

Etze"l and Leh"I connfrence - 25 years to Israel - bronze medal , probably was private issued. Decorated on one side : caption, symbols of the movements and the date 1973, on her other side model of beit hamikdas caption "ibane hamikdas - ir zion temale" ( will be build the mikdas - zionist city will fill) in good condition: light wore down to the length, diameter: 45 mm