拍卖会 183 第 2 阶段 The Art Collection Estate of Dr. Eliyahu Yuval - Part II Ivory, Jewelry and More
1.5.18 (您本地的时间)
 Tagore 40 st. Ramat Aviv, Israel

The estate includes a large collection of paintings from the 16th - 19th centuries. A fine collection of 19th century bronze sculptures and a unique collection of ivory and netsuke. The auction will also include jewelry, decorative art and furniture.


拍卖品 23757:

A Carved Ivory Figurine of Two Musicians, China, Early 20th Century

售出价为: $550
$ 350
拍卖行佣金: 20%
增值税: 17% 仅对佣金收取

A Carved Ivory Figurine of Two Musicians, China, Early 20th Century
Description: Carved and engraved.

Height: 16 cm, width: 12 cm

Condition: Good

Provenance: The estate of Dr. Eliyahu Yuval.

Notes: Carved from a single tusk.