Leilão 2 Private collections
23.4.18 (na sua hora local)
 Ha'Nassi Ha'Shishi St 22, Jerusalem
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LOTE 45:

Collection of Historical Documents from the First Days of Ha'Edah Ha'Charedit – the Polemic against the Zionist ...

Vendido por: $1 000
Preço inicial:
$ 1 000
Preço estimado:
$1 200 - $2 000
IVA: 17% Sobre a comissão apenas

Collection of Historical Documents from the First Days of Ha'Edah Ha'Charedit – the Polemic against the Zionist Movement – 1919-1927
A rare, unique collection of dozens of historical documents and letters from the first days of Ha'Edah Ha'Charedit of Jerusalem (the Ashkenazic City Committee as it was then titled). Very important material that includes important information, some of it unknown, about the establishment of Ha'Edah Ha'Charedit of Jerusalem during the first days of the British Mandate; a treasure for history lovers. Some of the letters are signed by well-known rabbis of Jerusalem.
Undoubtedly, beyond the following concise description, the dozens of documents contain significant historical discoveries that require comprehensive research.
Handwritten, detailed protocol describing a meeting between a delegation of Agudat Yisrael and Sir Herbert Samuel , the High Commissioner of Palestine, on Tuesday, May 30, 1922. An important historical item! Among others, Samuel said: "I thought that Agudat Yisrael objected to the Zionist Federation for religious reasons only, and not for national ones". In response, a member of the delegation said: "Our federation is a religious-national one and the Zionist Federation has turned religion into a private matter which has nothing to do with Jewish nationalism. It goes without saying that Haredi Judaism has a totally different idea of Jewish nationalism…" A fascinating item that introduces the spiritual platform of Agudat Yisrael of Jerusalem. At the end of the meeting, Samuel asked the delegation how many members they had. The surprising answer also appears in the leaves. A total of four written pages.
A letter by the City Committee ro the Jews of Jerusalem signed by Yosef Meyuchas. To Va'ad Ha'Ashkenazim (Ha'Edah Ha'Charedit), about choosing a representative for the committee that will supervise the elections for the City Committee. 1919.
A handwritten draft of a letter by the City Committee to the Zionists gathering in Jerusalem (1929?). "The Haredi Jews of Jerusalem have the honor of promoting your important gathering whose goal is to make peace in the world … and of expressing their deep gratitude for including in your important activities the approval of giving the mandate of the Land of Israel to the British government on the basis of its declaration to give the Jewish Nation … the opportunity to return and build itself a true home in its holy land". An interesting, important letter. Two written pages. Torn margins.
Letter by the rabbis of Jerusalem "We the undersigned have agreed that if the aid commission ceases its payment of the salary of the genius rabbi Bahadatz we shall try by all means to pay them their salary". 1919. Signed by Rabbi Yechiel Michel Tukachinsky, Rabbi Ben Zion Yadler and additional rabbis.
A typewritten letter by the secretary of Ha'Edah Ha'Charedit to the League of Nations in Geneva. The letter contains a complaint about the fact that members that leave the National Council re not entitled to be considered an independent party but only single individuals. Three pages. [1927?]. Important document.
Letter by Rabbi Zalman Ha'Cohen Rubin, the manager of "Ha'Va'ad Ha'Klali", about "the head of the Zionist committee announcing everywhere and warning … to send all donations specifically to the Zionist committee which satisfies the needs of the complete population of Jerusalem with no difference between the parties – against this we must protest and announce that it is a lie…" 1919.
Letter by Dr. de Sola Paul of the Zionist Commission to the Ashkenazi City Committee (Ha'Edah Ha'Charedit) about the American Aid Commission. "the Zionist Commission does not recognize any special community, the Ashkenazic, Sephardic, Yemen, etc. It only recognizes the general Jerusalemite community". 1919.
Official letter by the Ashkenazic City Committee (Ha'Edah Ha'Charedit) to Mr. Nachman Bentowitz. 1923. About handing all matters of the Hakdashot to the office of the Rabbinate. Most likely a draft that had not been sent. The leaf is written on one of its sides with ink and on the other with pencil (with erasures). No ending.
A copying of an official letter by the Ashkenazic City Committee, handwritten and signed by the secretary of the Committee Rabbi Reuven Shlomo Ha'Levi Jungreis, to Rabbo Dov Ber Abramowitz. About the election of the three rabbis: Rabbi Moshe , Rabbi Avraham Porush and Rabbi Raphael Katzenelboigen. 1922.
Important typewritten document sent to the Ashkenazic City Committee about the election committee. Signed by the secretary of the City Committee.
Long, important letter. Four pages, sent by the leaders of Ha'Edah Ha'Charedit to Menachem Ussishkin and the members of the Zionist Commission. In the letter, the writers present their world-view about the relationship between the Old Yishuv and the new one and describe in a picturesque manner the great enterprises of the Old Yishuv as the one that established Jewish settlement in the Land of Israel. "They are the pioneers who came with total devotion, by fishing boats or camels…" They also describe the insult they feel due to Chilul Shabbat and other improper actions by some of the members of the new Yishuv. The letter is handwritten on the official stationery of the Ashkenzaic City Committee. Not signed. 1920.
A letter by the secretary Rabbi Moshe Zvi Aryeh Weinstock to Rabbi Reuven Shlomo Jungreis the secretary of the Ashkenazic Committee. The content: a summary of meetings about uniting the various communitites of Jerusalem. 1921.
A second page of a letter by the chairman of the meeting Rabbi Yosef Ziv. On the above matter.
A letter by the members of Ha'Edah Ha'Charedit to Rabbi Dobver Abramowitz and the philanthropist rabbi Eliezer Moshe Slutzkin (of the more' moderate' party. Against letting non-religious people join the City Committee of the Ha'Edah Ha'Charedit.
Long official letter by the secretary of Ha'Edah Ha'Charedit (most likely rabbi Shlomo Jungreis) to Sir Herbert Samuel, the High Commissioner of Palestine, about the constitution of the communities and the existence of an independent Edah Charedit in Jerusalem. 1924. Three large written pages.
A list of dozens of Jews of Jerusalem stating that "We are leaving the community of the National Council and becoming members of Ha;Edah Ha'Charedit, titled "the Committee of the Ashkenazic Community ". Elul 1927. Among the names: Rabbi Hillel Gelbstein, Rabbi Moshe Mordechai Dushinsky, Rabbi Yisrael Moshe Dushinsky, Rabbi Yisrael Yitzchak Zolberman, Rabbi Shabtai Yogel, Rabbi Meshulam Twersky, Rabbi Chaim Naeh, rabbi Pinchas Epstein, the Rabbi of Tepelik, a total of 230 names! Four written leaves. Tears and stains.
A rare important collection!
Condition: Good.