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Manifesto by the Maharsham – the Author's Copy with Dozens of Corrections and Additions Handwritten by Him

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$ 2,000
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Manifesto on Yoreh Deah, the laws of Trefot. By Rabbi Shalom Mordechai Ha'Cohen Schwadron (the Maharsham) Av Beit Din of Brzeżany. Munkatch, 1892. First edition.
Throughout the book, dozens of glosses, corrections and important additions handwritten by the author, who was one of the most prominent rabbis of Galicia and one of the greatest Poskim of his generation.
A special, unique item!
The special copy before us contains more than a hundred corrections handwritten by the author! In addition, approximately seven important additions of long sentences handwritten by the author (on leaves 29, 56, 79, 90, 94, 126, 175, 176).
On leaf 121, a thick drip of wax.
"Table of Corrections"
All the handwritten corrections were noted and printed in a "Table of Corrections", which was printed at the end of the book before us.
Undoubtedly, the manuscript before us is the author's. The script of the glosses is identical to his handwriting. The content also indicates that he wrote it. Thus, the copy before us is not a copy that was proofread according to "Table of Corrections" but vice versa, the "Table of Corrections" was made according to the glosses on the margins of the leaves of the copy before us.
About the composition
The "Manifesto" is on Simanim 61-69 of Yoreh Deah and on the laws of Trefot. The book drew much attention in the world of Torah. Indeed, at first several prominent rabbis objected to the Maharsham's tendency to be lenient on certain matters. Nevertheless, the book was eventually accepted as an unimpeachable source of Pesikah on these matters.
The Maharsham of Brzeżany
The Maharsham of Brzeżany (1835-1911) was considered "Posek Ha'dor" of Galicia; however, rabbis from Russia-Poland and Hungary also turned to him with Halachic question.
The six volumes of his book 'The Maharsham Responsa' and the 'Darkei Shalom' responsa are indication of his greatness as a Posek.
He served as Av Beit Din of Potok Złoty, Jazłowiec and Brzeżany and authored dozens of compositions of which many were published.
[4], 224, [6] leaves. 31 cm.
Condition: Very Good. Folding marks. Time stains. Ownership stamps from the 1840's. Old, black, supported binding. In two leaves, there is a small hole in the text.