Аукцион 105 Winner's Unlimited - Eretz Israel and Zionism, Postcards and Photographs, Numismatics, Posters, Maps, Judaica, Holy books, Letters from Rabbis and Rebbes
21.2.18 (локальном времени Вашего часового пояса)
 3 Shatner Center 1st Floor Givat Shaul Jerusalem

Monday, 19 February

Tuesday, 20 February

From 12:00 AM - 7:00 PM

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ЛОТ 419:

Important and Varied Collection of Books from She'erit HaPleita Printings

Продан за: $280
Стартовая цена:
$ 200
$300 - $600
Комиссия аукционного дома: 20%
НДС: 17% Только на комиссию

Important and Varied Collection of Books from She'erit HaPleita Printings

Important collection of books on chassidut, mussar, prayer, and basic books from She'erit HaPleita Printings.

* Collection of letters from the Admor of Gur, Augsberg 1947 published ... by married and unmarried chassidim of Gur, survivors by the grace of Hash-m, presently in the Landsberg camp ... May the Holy One help us to immigrate quickly to the Holy Land to spend time in the shadow of the Admor, shlit"a, of Gur.

* Shivchei HaRan im Sichot HaRan Keter press, Germany 1947. The page before the title page lists names of those who passed away in the Holocaust.

Haggadah shel Pesach im Likkutim M'Talmidei Rabbeinu HaBesh"t with an article by Rabbi Shimshon Ostropola, Yaffa Fernwald Press, 1946.

Slichot L'Kaf Sivan Budapest, Iyyar 1946. Gewirtz Brothers Press. The selichot were printed right after the Second World War. From the words of the editors: "Printed with the approbations of the rabbis, shlit"a, by the central bureau of the yereim community in our country, upon the murder of our brothers, our countrymen, from 1941 onward and especially in 1944-5, may their blood be avenged, and upon the demolition of the synagogues and study halls, and the destruction of the Torah scrolls and the rest of the holy books." Rare.

* Ohr Yisrael by Rabbi Yisrael Salanter, published by the Vaad Hatzalah's committee for publishing books, Munich 1947.

* Shev Shemaitetah Munich 1947: "With admiration and great friendship, in honor of the gaon of gaonim, president of Israel and its captain, our rabbi and teacher, Aharon Kotler, lecturer in Kletzk in New York, in the name of the Vaad Hatzalah in Germany, Rabbi Naftali Baruch, chairman."

Kitzur Shulchan Aruch Gift from the Vaad Hatzalah L'She'erit HaPleitah, Munich 1947.

Selichot Yaffa Fernwald Press. Letter to "Our dear brothers!" from the Joint to the survivors on the page after the title page.

Siddur Shiurei Taharah Nusach Ashkenaz"We have printed all the prayers in order, as we have always printed for the benefit of our brothers, in every country in which they live, so that they can pour out their hearts before their creator because He alone is their courage and trust." London 1946. Rare.

Messilat Yesharim Gift from Vaad Hatzalah L'She'erit HaPleitah, printed by the the Vaad Hatzalah's committee for publishing books, Munich 1947. Rare.

Megillat Esther im Peirush 'Ruach V'Hatzalah' by Rabbi Chaim Tzvi Hirsh Broide, gift from the Vaad Hatzalah L'She'erit HaPleitah, Munich 1947.

Ya"d HaChazakah L'Rambam published by "Sinai" Munich 1947. From the words of the publisher: "After the survivors dried up during the days of the inferno, especially the youth, who fell while yet soft ... and the light of Israel was cut short ... I think that it's time to realize my thoughts and print the Rambam's books ..." and he concludes there, "words of one of the unfortunate still living in the country. That he should write, to his disgrace, Germany the defiled ..."

Masechet Ketubot L'Lomdei HaDaf HaYomipublished by the Union of Rabbis of the United States and Canada, Landsberg 1947. The world calendar for the study of the daily mishnah is on the leaves before the title page.

Shu"t Avnei Chefetz by Aharon Lewin, printed and published by the Vaad Hatzalah's committee for publishing books, Munich 1947.

* Pirkei D'Rabbi EliezerLandsberg, published by 'Yitzchaki' 1948.

Various sizes and conditions.