Monday, 19 February
Tuesday, 20 February
From 12:00 AM - 7:00 PM
拍卖品 288:
Parochet with Embroidered Text of the Balfour Declaration, Palestine [?] 1928
Parochet with Embroidered Text of the Balfour Declaration, Palestine [?] 1928
Parochet - Balfour Declaration - embroidered gold threads on green velvet material.
At center of the parochet there is the embroidered [Hebrew] traditional phrase, "Shiviti Hash-m L'Negdi Tamid," followed by the Balfour Declaration shaped like a menorah, opening with the words: "His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment of a national home in Palestine for the Jewish People," etc. Through the words "or the rights." The words "Balfour Declaration" appear next to the base of the menorah together with the names of the donors who dedicated this Parochet.
Size: 150x113 cm.
The velvet is stained and faded, the section with the text is in fine condition. Supportive lining on the back.