Monday, 19 February
Tuesday, 20 February
From 12:00 AM - 7:00 PM
拍卖品 256:
An Amulet From Rabbi Avraham Yechiel Fisch - 'The Holy Floorer'/Photograph
An Amulet From Rabbi Avraham Yechiel Fisch - 'The Holy Floorer'/Photograph
* A coin for protection wrapped in paper and signed with the handwritten signature of the hidden righteous man the 'Holy Floorer' Rabbi Avraham Yechiel Fisch.
* A photograph in which Rabbi Fisch is seen with guests at a chanukat bayit.
It is well known that he usually gave out amulets of this sort against the evil eye.
The two items are in a pleasant wood and glass frame. Not checked out of the frame.
Rabbi Avraham Yechiel Fisch [d. 13th of Elul, 1998] was a disciple of the "Holy Shoemaker", and a hidden Tel Aviv kabalist. Per the instructions of the Baba Sali, he revealed himself at the end of his life and many people came to him for blessings and words of comfort. He was known as a miracle worker and was called by his profession, "the Holy Floorer".
Amulet: 5x3 cm. Frame: 23x33 cm. Very fine condition.