拍卖会 104 Auction of a private Library from Germany - The commission is 25%Winner's Unlimited - מכירה פומבית מספריית יוצא גרמניה - במכירה זו עמלת בית
6.2.18 (您本地的时间)
 3 Shatner Center 1st Floor Givat Shaul Jerusalem

Auction of a private Library from Germany.

In our upcoming auction we are honored to present books a private collection. The books were meticulously collected over fifty years, and were selected with professionalism and profundity. The collection includes the most significant books within the area of Jewish thought printed from the 17th to the mid-20th centuries; such as: foundational books, commentaries on the Talmud, philosophical works, Kabbalah and Hassidism, and dissertations on Torah ethics and thought. In addition, the collection includes books on grammar, poetry, important biographies about the great sages of Israel, history books, books on the Land of Israel, books about Jerusalem, and more. A one-time invitation to purchase paramount essays from the cornerstones of Jewish Masoret.


拍卖品 19:

Collection of [5] Books by the Vilna Gaon 1856-1886, 1927

售出价为: $150
$ 50
$200 - $300
拍卖行佣金: 25% 更多详细信息
增值税: 仅对佣金收取

*Seder Haggadah Shel Pesach with two commentaries: the Kol Bo and the commentary of the Rabbi Elya Chassid of Vilna

*Hilchot HaZohar - Bereishit and Pekudei

*Shaarei Rachamim - a Collection of Sayings, Explanations, Laws and Conduct ...

*Biurei Aggadot Masechtot Brachot, Baba Kamma and the First Chapter of Megillah

*The Tzaddik Rabbi Yosef Zundel of Salant and his Rabbis ... 

