Special and Rare Items
26.12.17 (Ora locală)
 מוסד הרב קוק, הרב מימון 1, ירושלים
Licitația a luat sfârșit

LOT 39:

Meshivat Nefesh - Signatures of Rabbi Ya'akov Weidenfeld Author of 'Kochav Ya'akov'

Preț de început:
$ 1,500
Preț aproximativ:
Comision casă de licitații: 20%
VAT: Doar pentru comision

Meshivat Nefesh. Responsa on the three parts of the Shulchan Aruch. Warsaw 1864. By Rabbi Aryeh Leib Tzintz Av Beit Din of Plock.
"This book belongs to the Hassidic Rabbi … Ya'akov Weidenfeld Av Beit Din of Hrymailiv". Additional similar inscriptions.
Signatures (backwards): "Ya'akov Weidenfeld".
Extremely rare! To the best of our knowledge, books with his signatures have never been seen in auctions!
Rabbi Ya'akov Weidenfeld (1840-1894) Av Beit Din of Hrymailiv in Galicia who was known for his vast knowledge. His father, Rabbi Eliezer, was the disciple of Rabbi Ya'akov Lorberbaum of Lisa and of the Seer of Lublin. Rabbi Ya'akov Weidenfeld authored the 'Kochav Ya'akov' responsa, which according to his sons, was only one in a million of the responses he had sent to Jews all over the world.
His son, the Rabbi of Tchebin, founded in his city the Kochav Ya'akov Yeshiva, named after his father. The yeshiva was destroyed during the Holocaust and was reestablished by him in Jerusalem after his immigration to Israel.
82 leaves.
Condition: Good. Worn binding. Slightly falling apart.