Special and Rare Items
26.12.17 (Ora locală)
 מוסד הרב קוק, הרב מימון 1, ירושלים
Licitația a luat sfârșit

LOT 12:

Signature of the Author of 'Chayei Adam', the Great Posek, on the Title Page of the Book 'Massoret Seyag La'Torah' ...

Vandut pentru: $1,900
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$ 1,000
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Comision casă de licitații: 20%
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Signature of the Author of 'Chayei Adam', the Great Posek, on the Title Page of the Book 'Massoret Seyag La'Torah' - Berlin 1761
Massoret SEyag La'Torah, a book of Massorah by Rabbi Meir (the son of Rabbi Todros) Ha'Levi Abulaifia (the Ramah). Berlin 1761. Second, rare edition to which new approbations were added.
The author was one of the foremost Rishonim who authored the book 'Yad Ramah' on the Talmud.

On the title page of the book (under the decoration), a signature: "Avraham Danzig" - this is the signature of Rabbi Avraham Danzig, a leading Posek in previous generation whose halachic rulings are still accepted today. He is the author of 'Tefilah Zakah' which is said on the eve of Yom Kippur.
The book before us was part of his library and he used to study from it! Such books are extremely rare, especially in the good condition of the book before us.

The history of the author of 'Chayei Adam'
Rabbi Avraham Danzig (1748-1821) one of the leading Poskim of his generation who authored the basic Halacha books of 'Chayei Adam' and 'Chochmat Adam'. He was related by marriage to the Vilna Gaon and was considered his disciple-friend.
In his youth, he travelled to Prague to study with the "Noda Bi'Yehuda". After his marriage, he settled in Vilnius and studied with the Vilna Gaon. He later became his in-law when his son married the Vilna Gaon's granddaughter. In his book 'Chayei Adam' he presents many of the sayings of the Vilna Gaon. He was one of the leaders of the Vilnius community and was considered a foremost halachic authority.
His book 'Chayei Adam' was considered at the time the most important Pesikah book in Europe, until the publishing of the Mishnah Berurah.
Ever since its first printing in 1810, the book 'Chayei Adam' had many editions; almost every year, a new edition was printed. The book was accepted by thousands of Jews as a basic book of Pesikah!
In communities all around Lithuania and Russia, 'Chayei Adam Societies' were formed to study the book. Moreover, many of the most prominent Poskim of his generation and later generations cited him, discussed his opinion and took his halachic opinion into consideration when they ruled a Halacha.
'Chayei Adam' was the most widespread and important Halacha book in Lithuania, until the publishing of the 'Mishnah Berurah'. However, even after the publishing of the Mishnah Berurah, many additional editions of 'Chayei Adam' were printed.
Rabbi Danzig also wrote Piyyutim and prayers, the most known of them being the 'Tefilah Zaka' which is said on the eve of Yom Kippur.
He died at the age of 73, which in Gematria equals the name of his book 'Chayei Adam'.

On the title page of the book, an additional ownership inscription: "Belongs to Shimon Dov the son of Rabbi Mordechai Zvi Manbi…" (the well-known Darshan Rabbi Shimon Ber Manbi, author of the book 'Ma'aseh Cheshbon' on the Avot tractate and the book 'Nava Tehila' on the Haggadah).
50 leaves (instead of 51 - a leaf of additions is missing).
32 cm.
Condition: Good. New, impressive leather binding. Time stains on the title page. the title page is restored.