Special and Rare Items
26.12.17 (na sua hora local)
 מוסד הרב קוק, הרב מימון 1, ירושלים
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Avodat ha'Kodesh - Venice, 1602 - First Edition

Vendido por: $550
Preço inicial:
$ 300
Preço estimado:
Comissão da leiloeira: 20%
IVA: 17% Sobre a comissão apenas

Avodat ha'Kodesh - Venice, 1602 - First Edition
Avodat Ha'Kodesh by the Rashba, with the book 'Ba'alei Ha'Nefesh' by the Ravad and with 'Kelal Yein Nesech' by the Ra'ah. Venice, 1602. Daniel Zanetti printing press. First edition.
Prepared for printing by a resident of Safed, who wrote a preface to the book.
Condition: Good. The book has gone through restoration, which can be seen in the title page and additional leaves. New binding.