LOTE 329:
Ashli Ravravi, Part Two. Zhitomir, 1886
Vendido por: $100
Preço inicial:
Preço estimado :
$200 - $300
Comissão da leiloeira: 20%
IVA: 17%
Sobre a comissão apenas
Ashli Ravravi, Part Two. Zhitomir, 1886
Ahshli Ravrivi Shulchan Aruch Yoreh Deah part two. Zhitomir, 1866. One leaf appears to be missing at the end.
[1] 260 leaves. 33 cm.
Original leather binding with gilded embossing. Detached bindings. Most of the spine is missing. Tears on the bindings. Disintegrating leaves, mainly in the margins. Detached leaves. Stains.
Moderate - poor condition.