20.11.17 (您本地的时间)
 מוסד הרב קוק, הרב מימון 1, ירושלים

拍卖品 491:

Shulchan Aruch with the Me'irat Enayim Commentary - Berlin 1717 - the Copy of the Printer Reb Aharon Segal with His ...

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Shulchan Aruch with the Me'irat Enayim Commentary - Berlin 1717 - the Copy of the Printer Reb Aharon Segal with His Handwritten Comments and Corrections towards the Printing of the Next Edition - a Unique, Important Item!
Shulchan Aruch with the Me'irat Enayim commentary by Rabbi Yehoshua Folk Katz. Berlin 1717. Impressive copper-etched title page.
In addition to the basic details of the book, important information about its author Rabbi Yehoshua Folk and his Me'irat Enayim commentary (which was printed for the first time in Prague, 1614) was printed at the center of the title page.

The copy of the printer Reb Aharon Segal
Before us is a most special copy. On the title page of the book, two ancient Hebrew ownership inscriptions: "This Choshen Mishpat belongs to … Aharon Ha'Levi Segal", that is, the well-known printer Reb Aharon Segal of Zholkva.
It is most likely that the words 'Aharon Ha'Levi' in one of the inscriptions were handwritten by Reb Aharon himself (since these words are written in different script – Rashi script – unlike the rest of the inscription). On the edges of the book, when it is closed, the signature "Aharon" can be seen.
The copy before us was used by the printer Reb Aharon Segal to prepare the next edition of 'Me'irat Enayim' which he printed in 1739. The 15-year prohibition of printing the book announced by the rabbis who had approbated it had passed and Reb Aharon started the mission of printing a proofread edition of the book, correcting errors that were found in its previous edition. While he was proofreading the book, he wrote his corrections on the margins of the copy before us beside detailed comments and marks for the typesetter. Thus, the proofread edition of 'Me'irat Enayim' was printed from this copy of the book in Zholkva, 1739.
Undoubtedly, this item is a unique and important item to the history of Hebrew printing.
It is most likely that the edition printed by Reb Aharon was a limited edition. This explains its rareness (the National Library owns a single, incomplete copy and the Bibliography of the Hebrew Book has never seen a complete copy!). This edition was approbated by Rabbi Ze'ev Wolf of Zholkva.

The glosses and corrections
The volume contains ten corrections of additions of words and even sentences, spelling corrections and comments about different locations for sentences or passages. To some of his comments, Reb Aharon added an illustration of a pointing hand.

The printing press of the Segal family
The Segal family was a family of printers. The book before us was printed by Reb Aharon Segal and his brother Reb Gershon, two of the sons of Reb Chaim David Segal.
Reb Aharon started his work as a printer in 1727 and his brother Gershon joining him the following year. He worked until 1747. He left the printing press that year (he might have died) and was replaced by several family members, including his son Reb Chaim David. During his years of work, he printed dozens of well-known and important books.
[2], 2-320; 18 leaves. [mispagination].
Condition: Good-Very Good. Moth signs of varying sizes on approximately half of the leaves, most of them insignificant.