20.11.17 (您本地的时间)
 מוסד הרב קוק, הרב מימון 1, ירושלים

拍卖品 487:

Erech Ha'Shulchan Livorno 1791 First Edition - the Copy of Rabbi David Meir Chai Yosef Nissim the Uncle and Rabbi ...

售出价为: $350
$ 30
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Erech Ha'Shulchan Livorno 1791 First Edition - the Copy of Rabbi David Meir Chai Yosef Nissim the Uncle and Rabbi of the "Ben Ish Chai" - His Signature and Stamp + the Signature of Rabbi Avraham Hajaj Author of "Zar'o shel Avraham"
Erech Ha'Shulchan, commentary and novellae on Shulchan Aruch Orach Chaim by Rabbi Yitzchak Tayeb Av Beit Din of Tunis. Livorno 1791. First edition.
On the title page of the book, an inscription and signature "I the youngest of my townsmen David Meir Yosef Nissim". In addition, two ownership stamps of "David Chai Meir Yosef Nissim".
In addition, on the title page the signature of Rabbi Avraham Hajaj.
Rabbi David Chai Meir Yosef Nissim (Bagdad, 1817 – Jerusalem, 1906) one of the most prominent rabbis of Bagdad, the uncle of the "Ben Ish Chai" and his first rabbi.
When the well-known yeshiva of Bagdad, the "Beit Zilcha" Yeshiva was founded by Rabbi Ovadya Somech author of "Zivchei Tzeddek", Rabbi David Chai joined it and had many disciples there. Many Torah scholars studied at the yeshiva, including Rabbi Yosef Chaim, the "Ben Ish Chai", who studied there with his uncle Rabbi David Chai. Rabbi Abdallah Somech and Rabbi David Chai, the two great leaders of the Jews of Bagdad, issued a great number of rulings, for the benefit of the Jews of Bagdad. They are also the rabbis who signed various proclamations and approbations.
On the 10th of Iyar 1905, when he was 70 years old, Rabbi David Chai immigrated to the Land of Israel and settled in Jerusalem, founding the Iraqi "Shoshanim Le'David" yeshiva. He died on the 27th of Tishrei 1906 and was eulogized by Rabbi Yechezkel Ezra Rachamim [the Ya'ar].
The book contains a short comment in his handwriting.
Rabbi Avraham Hajaj (died in 1881) was one of the most prominent rabbi sof Tunis, a disciple of Rabbi Yeshu'ah Basis, Rosh Av Beit Din of Tunis together with the second rabbi Natan Borgel. He signed many approbations and responsa by the rabbis of Tunis. He strongly objected to the opening of a school by Alliance israélite universelle. Authored the book "Zar'o shel Avraham" which contains novellae on the Talmud Ma'arachot and Rambam (printed after his death in Tunis 1889). He had many disciples who became rabbis of various Tunisian communities.
Ownership stamp: Ya'akov Tzalach Mantzur Jerusalem.
[2], 124 leaves.
Condition: Good-Fair. Moth holes. Wear. Worn, ancient binding.
