20.11.17 (您本地的时间)
 מוסד הרב קוק, הרב מימון 1, ירושלים

拍卖品 459:

Incunabula Leaf - the Book of Melachim (Kings) with the Radak - Soncino 1486 - First Edition of Nevi'im!!!

售出价为: $200
$ 200
拍卖行佣金: 22%
增值税: 仅对佣金收取

Printed by Yehoshua Shlomo Ben Natan Soncino.
The leaf before us is from volume D: Melachim B (Chapter 17: 34 – Chapter 18:17).
Printed in two columns: the Biblical text on the right side of the page and the commentary on its left side. The text is in square letter, not vowelized and with no cantillation notes. The commentary is in Rashi script.
The Soncino family was among the first printers of Hebrew books. They founded their printing house in the city of Soncino, Italy in circa 1483. The Soncino family was the first to print tractates of the Talmud. The leaf before us is from the first edition of Nevi'im and the first edition of the commentary of the Radak with the biblical text. Most subsequent editions of the bible were not printed by Jews. Thus, the significance of this rare edition, which was printed by Jews.
28 cm.
Condition: Fair-Good. Tears and moth signs especially on the margins with slight damage to text.
