Subasta 53 A special Chabad auction, in preparation for the Rebbe's 120th birthday
Por Moreshet
Harav Kook Street 10 Bnei Brak, Israel

Auction No. 53

All items in this auction received from the Rebbe's holy hands can be obtained in writing from the recipients or alternatively talk to the recipients by phone.

Auction No. 53 It will be held on Sunday the 9th of the Nissan 5782 • 10.04.2022 • At 20:00 Israel time

Have questions about items? You can also contact us via WhatsApp at: +972-3-9050090

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LOTE 041:

Volume with many original issues of the “Kriyah v’HaKedusha”—New York, 1940-45. Copy owned by the Chassid Rabbi ...

Vendido por: $90
Precio inicial:
$ 70
Comisión de la casa de subasta: 23%
IVA: 17% IVA sólo en comisión
10.4.22 en Moreshet

Volume with many original issues of the “Kriyah v’HaKedusha”—New York, 1940-45. Copy owned by the Chassid Rabbi Nachum Dov Danenberg.
The monthly journal ““Kriyah v’HaKedusha”, published between 1940-45, “with the support and blessing of the Admor, shlita, of Lubavitch.”
In this journal, articles and conversations of the Rayatz were published, as well as four Kol Koreh announcements from the Rebbe “L’Alter L’Tshua and L’Alter L’Geulah”. The Rayatz in his letters has many expressions of praise for this journal, and said that “it contains within it the necessary measure of air for one’s breath for all those who study Torah.” In some issues there was a section called “Otiyot Porchot” in which bits written by the Rayatz which were not understood were published. Chassidim saw in these bits prophecies from Hashem. Some hinted at world events, one was interpreted by the editor of the journal as predicting the invasion of the Allies during World War II, which happened three months after it appeared in the journal.

Issues 1-60, not consecutive: 1-7, 12-15, 17-18, 20-23, 29, 32-33, 35-37, 40, 46-47, 49-54, 56-58, 60-61.

Rabbi Nachum Dov Danenberg (also spelled Danberg; died in 1952) was a businessman and philanthropist who corresponded with the Admorim. All editions of Psalms published by Kehat were dedicated to his memory.
He led the Chassidic community of Montreal. After the Admor Rayatz reached the US, he donated greatly to strengthen the community there and would often visit the chatzer of the Rebbe. When he asked the Rebbe’s permission to move to Israel, the Rebbe refused and said he would tell him when the time had come for him to do so. In 1949 he moved to Israel on the Rebbe’s orders, and settled in Jerusalem. After his death the Rebbe was in touch with his inheritors, who commemorated their father by printing the book of Psalms Yahel Or with the commentary of the Tzemach Tzedek, and all subsequent editions of the Psalms “Ohel Yosef Yitzhak” have been dedicated in his name and are published with letters which he received from the Raatz. He died in Jerusalem in 1952 and is buried in the Chabad section of the Mt. of Olives cemetery.