Auction 099 Winner's Unlimited - Holy books, letters from Rabbis and Rebbes, Judaica, Maps, Periodicals, Postcards, banknotes, Eretz Israel and Zionism
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Jerusalem, Israel
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LOT 400:

Collection of children's reading textbooks. 1920s-50s

Preț de început:
$ 150
Preț aproximativ :
$300 - $600
Comision casă de licitații: 20%
VAT: 17% Doar pentru comision
3.5.17 at Winner'S

Collection of children's reading textbooks. 1920s-50s
Reading textbooks for children, with pictures. Germany, United States and Israel.
* Lashon Limudim. Textbook for the ancient language of the past by Rabbi Daniel Fink, published by the author. Berlin, 1921.
* Reishit Da'at Sefat Avar. Hebrew reader according to the vocal approach with illustrations and prayers by M. Krinski, New York, 1935.
* Sifri HaRishon. Reading textbook for the first year of study, edited by P. Auerbach and Anda Pinkerfeld, illustrated by H. Glicksberg, Dvir publishing, Tel Aviv, 1943.
* Alef Beit. Illustrated by Zvi Malbanchik [Livni], rhymes by Efraim. Mitzpeh publishing, Tel Aviv 1944. Many scribbles. Poor-moderate condition.
* Ivrit L'Bogrim Matchilim al yesod shita chadasha, Sinai Publishing. Tel Aviv, 1949.
* HaMatchil. Written by B. and M. Rachbi, illustrated by Yosef Noga. Published by Am Oved - Mesilot. Tel Aviv, 1945.
* Alef Beit. By Shlomo S., illustrated by Elisheva Nadel, published by Binyamin Barlevi. 1950s.
* Dafdefet L'Kita Alef, sheets for reading, coloring and playing, edited by Ayil- Chaver Morim, illustrated by Zila Binder. Dvir V'Sefer publishing. Tel Aviv, 1956.
Various sizes and conditions.