Modern and Contemporary Art
10.12.14 (na sua hora local)
 36 Gordon Street, Tel Aviv
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LOTE 27:

Ofer Lellouche - B. 1947
Nude at the Studio

Preço estimado:
$ 4 500 - $6 500
Comissão da leiloeira: 20%
IVA: 17% Sobre a comissão apenas

Nude at the Studio
Oil on canvas, 100X80 cm, Signed. Signed again on the reverse.

About The Artist:

painter, born 1947, Tunis. From 1960 lived in France.


1963-66 St. Louis University, Paris, mathematics and physics1963-66 St. Louis University, Paris, mathematics and physics

Awards and Prizes

Nachum Gutman Prize from the Histadrut,.1987.