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ЛОТ 48:

Two Machzorim / Kinot for Tish'ah Be'Av

Продан за: $60
Комиссия аукционного дома: 19%
НДС: Только на комиссию

A. Mincha Chadasha, Machzor for the first day of Rosh Ha'Shana. With Yiddish commentary. Kratshin, 1838. Various Yiddish inscriptions.
B. Machzor for Yom Kippur, with Gothic German translation at the bottom of each page. Berlin 1857. Not listed by the Bibliography of the Hebrew Book.
C. Seder Ha'Kinot Le'Tisha Be'Av. Hebrew and Dutch. Amsterdam, 1868. Ancient handwritten lament on the inner side of the binding.
Condition: good. Detached bindings.