Asta 83 Parte 2 Books by the Baal HaTanya and Chabad Rebbes
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LOTTO 129:

Torah Or – Zhitomir, 1862 – First Edition of Hosafot L'Sefer Torah Or – Elegant Copy – Wide Margins and Title Page ...

Venduto per: $2 800
Prezzo iniziale:
$ 500
Commissione per la casa d'aste: 25%
IVA: 17% Solo su commissione
23.11.21 in Kedem

Torah Or – Zhitomir, 1862 – First Edition of Hosafot L'Sefer Torah Or – Elegant Copy – Wide Margins and Title Page Partially Printed in Gold – Original Leather Binding

Torah Or, Chassidic essays on Bereshit and Shemot, Chanukah and Purim, including Hosafot L'Sefer Torah Or (Supplements to Torah Or), by Rebbe Shneur Zalman of Liadi – the Baal HaTanya. Zhitomir: R. Chanina Lipa and R. Yehoshua Heshel Shapira, grandsons of the Rabbi of Slavita, 1862. First edition of the supplements.
The supplements include 15 new essays by the Baal HaTanya. While most of the book follows the writings of the author's brother, R. Yehuda Leib of Janowiec, the essays printed in the supplements were written by the author's son, the Mitteler Rebbe of Lubavitch, as attested to on the title page of this section.
Signature on first title page.
102; 24 leaves. Two title pages. Divisional title page for section of supplements. 31 cm. Wide margins. Good condition. Stains. Worming to several leaves. Fine, original leather binding, with gilt decorations. New leather spine and other repairs (book rebound, new endpapers). Damage and worming to binding.
Unique, elegant copy, with border of first title page and some of title page text, as well as ornament on verso of second title page printed in gold. Part of text of first title page printed in red.
Stefansky Chassidut, no. 612.

PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.