Asta 83 Parte 2 Books by the Baal HaTanya and Chabad Rebbes
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LOTTO 125:

Siddur HaRav (Baal HaTanya), with Kabbalistic and Chassidic Commentary – Berditchev, 1818 – Second Edition of ...

Venduto per: $1 500
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$ 1 500
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23.11.21 in Kedem

Siddur HaRav (Baal HaTanya), with Kabbalistic and Chassidic Commentary – Berditchev, 1818 – Second Edition of Maamarei HaSiddur (Siddur im Dach), with Several New Discourses – Two Parts in Two Volumes

Year-round prayers according to the text of the Arizal, with a commentary based on the kavanot of the Arizal, two parts, by Rebbe Shneur Zalman of Liadi – the Baal HaTanya. Berditchev (Berdychiv), [1818]. Second edition.
Two parts in two volumes (8 leaves lacking in part II).
Some ten new discourses by the Baal HaTanya were printed for the first time in this edition of the siddur. The new discourses are marked with inverted parentheses.
This edition was brought to print by R. Menachem Nachum, son of the Mitteler Rebbe, together with his brother-in-law R. Yekutiel Zalman.
Two volumes. Vol. I: [3], 6-46, [1], 49-94, 93-100, 105-169 leaves. Approx. 21 cm. Fair-good condition. Stains and wear. Extensive worming to some leaves, affecting text, mostly repaired with paper (with handwritten replacement of missing text). Open tears to title page and other leaves, slightly affecting text in several places, repaired with paper (with handwritten replacement on one leaf). Handwritten inscriptions. New leather binding. Vol. II: 3-20, 23-28, 31-92, 95-162 leaves (originally: 162 leaves). Lacking 8 leaves: first two leaves (including title page), leaves 21-22, 29-30, 93-94. Leaves 21-22 replaced in photocopy. Leaves 29-30 replaced in neat handwriting. 21 cm. Fair-poor condition. Many stains, including dampstains and significant, dark stains to some leaves. Extensive wear. Worming, affecting text. Many tears, including large open tears affecting text, repaired in part with paper (with photocopy replacement in several places). Handwritten inscription. New binding.
Stefansky Chassidut, no. 410.

PLEASE NOTE: Item descriptions were shortened in translation. For further information, please refer to Hebrew text.

Siddur HaRav
The siddur compiled by the Alter Rebbe, Rebbe Shneur Zalman of Liadi – the Baal HaTanya, was printed in his lifetime in several editions, in Shklow and Kopust (Kopys). His brother, R. Yehuda Leib (Maharil) of Janowitz, author of She'erit Yehuda, describes the work involved in arranging the siddur: "Apart from perfecting the text, to conform with the Kavanot of the Arizal, he also perfected the grammar". Rebbe Shalom Dov Ber of Lubavitch wrote about it: "It is well known that he devoted 20 years to preparing the prayer text, producing a new version every year, until the twentieth version came out purified, refined and cleansed". The Baal HaTanya himself commended his siddur, "I corrected the siddur, making it identical to the siddur of Anshei Knesset HaGedola…". According to traditions handed down to his descendants, in order to ascertain the correct version of the text, the Baal HaTanya studied and critically examined 60 (according to some – 32) different versions of prayer books, including 8 versions of the Siddur HaAri.
The Baal HaTanya included in his siddur many instructions and laws pertaining to the prayers. These laws often differ from the laws recorded in his Shulchan Aruch. In his siddur, he tends to rule based on Rishonim and Kabbalists, whilst in his Shulchan Aruch, he follows the opinions of Acharonim, predominantly that of the Magen Avraham. Wherever the rulings in the siddur are in conflict with those in his Shulchan Aruch, Chabad chassidim abide to the rulings in the siddur, since it was composed after the Shulchan Aruch (as his grandson, the Tzemach Tzedek, testifies in his novellae on Tractate Shabbat).
The Baal HaTanya also included in his siddur two Chassidic essays composed especially for the siddur. The first (p. 8a) is titled HaKol Kol Yaakov (this essay was reprinted in the Shklow 1806 edition of the Tanya, at the end of the book), and the second (p. 95a), He'ara LeTikun Chatzot.
As mentioned, the siddur was published in several editions during the lifetime of the Baal HaTanya. With each edition, he improved and further corrected the text and laws. However, the editions printed in his lifetime are not extant. R. Avraham David Lawat relates, in his preface to Shaar HaKollel (Vilna, 1896), that he succeeded in obtaining the Shklow 1803 edition, and two subsequent editions printed in Kopust in the Baal HaTanya's lifetime (the Shklow and Kopust editions mentioned by R. Lawat were lost with time; only one copy, lacking title page, was discovered in recent years).
After the Baal HaTanya's passing in 1813, his siddur was printed in two volumes, in Kopust 1816. The prayer rite of the Kopust edition is mostly based on the last edition printed in Baal HaTanya's lifetime, apart from some sections which were left according to earlier editions, mostly in terms of vocalization. Since then, the siddur was printed in over two hundred editions.