Vente 9 The Elul Auction - Historical items for the High Holidays
Par Rarity Auction House
17 Perlman Dr. Suite 204 Spring Valley NY 10977, États-Unis

מכתבים מגדולי הדורות - ביניהם מכתב מהגה"ק רבן של ישראל בעל פחד יצחק האדמו"ר הראשון לשושלת באיאן, ועוד מכתבים מאדמור"י בית רוז'ין

ספרים שנדפסו בסלאוויטא וזיטאמיר, ביניהם סט ש"ס זיטאמיר וסט חק לישראל דפוס סלאוויטא

ספרים נדירים יקרי המציאות - ספרי יסוד נדפסו בשנות הש'

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LOT 26:

Siddur Miniature 1715 with long glosses on Kabbalah of the holy Rabbi Abraham Hai Roggio of Italy's greatest ...

Prix de départ:
$ 2 500
Prix estimé :
$4 000 - $6 000
Commission de la maison de ventes: 22%

Siddur Miniature 1715 with long glosses on Kabbalah of the holy Rabbi Abraham Hai Roggio of Italy's greatest scholars
Rabbi Abraham Reggio Italian rabbi and cabalist; born at Ferrara in 1755; died at Göritz Jan. 8, 1842. Reggio studied under Samuel Lampronti, devoting himself especially to the study of Hebrew grammar. He gave lessons in Hebrew to the children of wealthy Jews in several villages, and in his spare moments occupied himself with bookbinding. Occasionally he went to Gradisca to attend the lectures of Abraham Morpurgo, whose son-in-law he became. Later Reggio was appointed teacher in the Talmud Torah of Göritz, where he studied Talmud under Moses chefez rabbi there. Reggio was ordained as his successor by Judah Malavida, rabbi of Ferrara; he occupied the rabbinate of Göritz until his death.
Reggio was a recognized authority on rabbinical matters, and many rabbis, among them Mordecai Benet, appealed to him for decisions. Reggio was the author of a work entitled "Eshel Abraham” a collection of treatises in thirteen parts on various subjects. He wrote also a pamphlet entitled "Tiglaḥat ha-Ma'amar" (Leghorn, 1844), a refutation of the "Ma'amar ha-Tiglaḥat" of his son, Issac Reggio.