Vente 9 The Elul Auction - Historical items for the High Holidays
Par Rarity Auction House
17 Perlman Dr. Suite 204 Spring Valley NY 10977, États-Unis

מכתבים מגדולי הדורות - ביניהם מכתב מהגה"ק רבן של ישראל בעל פחד יצחק האדמו"ר הראשון לשושלת באיאן, ועוד מכתבים מאדמור"י בית רוז'ין

ספרים שנדפסו בסלאוויטא וזיטאמיר, ביניהם סט ש"ס זיטאמיר וסט חק לישראל דפוס סלאוויטא

ספרים נדירים יקרי המציאות - ספרי יסוד נדפסו בשנות הש'

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LOT 67:

Magen Avraham First Edition by the Maggid of Trisk; Lublin, 1887

Vendu pour: $2 800
Prix de départ:
$ 2 000
Prix estimé :
$4 000 - $7 000
Commission de la maison de ventes: 22%

Magen Avraham First Edition by the Maggid of Trisk; Lublin, 1887

Segula: "I hereby bless anyone who takes this sefer that many blessings will be drawn to him…"

Magen Avraham First Edition by the Maggid of Trisk; Lublin, 1887
Torah novellae from Rabbi Avraham Twersky of Trisk, son of Rabbi Mordechai of Chernobyl, published in his lifetime.

Rabbi Avraham hints to his power of blessings in his introduction: "And G-d blessed Avraham with the blessing of granting blessings. And with that, I hereby bless al those who take this sefer that many kindnesses will be drawn to him… to fulfill all of his desires, [and have] children and grandchildren planted around his table."

He adds: "I have called this sefer "Magen Avraham"… because it will be a magen (protection) for all those who peruse it…"
At the end of the letter there is a facsimile of the Maggid's handwriting and signature:

This first edition was published in Lublin, 1887, includes title page as well as an additional title page for part two. The title page are partially printed in red ink.