Israel, Palestine, the Holy Land: Zionism, Herzl, Postcards, Photographs, Books, Ephemera, Posters, Ceramics, Olive Wood, Textile, Medals, Jewelry & More
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拍卖品 10:

Metal Plaque - Portrait of Theodor Herzl - Krechmer

售出价为: $100
$ 100
拍卖行佣金: 22% 更多详细信息
增值税: 17% 仅对佣金收取
3.8.21于 Levy Auction House

Metal Plaque - Portrait of Theodor Herzl - Krechmer
Metal Plaque or rectangular medal with the portrait of Theodor Herzl, made by Shmuel Krechmer, who was affiliated to the Bezalel school. Signed S. Krechmer. Apparently silvered bronze. Approximately 5X4 cm. Apparently the early 20th century. Good overall condition, wear.